Dimičeva ulica 16, 1000 Ljubljana
GPS: 46.070916, 14.5152728

V najem oddamo sodobno urejene poslovne prostore z moderno notranjo opremo. Prostori se oddajajo popolnoma opremljeni, imajo naravno svetlobo in neodvisno centralno klimatsko napravo. Tri stopnišča in tri dvigala omogočajo lahek vertikalni dostop. V vsakem nadstropju sta 2 stranišči, kuhinja, neodvisno komunikacijsko vozlišče. Arhivski in skladiščni prostor je na voljo na podzemnih nivojih.

Odoo text and image block
Property is situated in a commercial/office area in the district of Bezlqrad. Across the street is Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Business premises are in vicinity of down town Ljubljana and
easy accessible from the motorway as well as with public transport network. Public transport is available
within 5 min. walk. The property is accessible by car directly from Dirniceva ulica trough a service road
next to the building.

  • B class office property

  • Land plot: 2.545 m2 (source: GURS)

  • Size of areas: 10.570 m2 NUA (3 underground parking levels, GF + 7 floors of office

  • Velikost pisarniških prostorov 5500 m2

  • Parkirni prostori: 136 (znotraj) + 17 (zunaj)

  • Leto izgradnje: 2010

All offices are fully furnished, have natural light and independently managed central air conditioning. Three staircases and three lifts provide easy vertical access. Every floor has 2 toilets and a kitchen. The archive and storage area is available on the underground levels.

Type of structure: cast-in-place reinforced concrete slab - cast-in-place RC slabs: thickness 26 cm, 2 x RC vertical core, RC load-bearing facade envelope.

To ensure cooling, a mechanical room with a cooling generator is provided. Heating and cooling in the offices is provided throughout the building with fan coils; cooling is provided for the communication node areas as well. Heating and cooling are controlled locally with the use of room thermostats as well as through the building management system.

Electrical supply:
Electricity for the building is provided via 700 kW private electrical substation. Auxiliary power supply is provided by a 350 kVA electric diesel generator. To provide uninterrupted power supply, there is an UPS device with a 120 kVA power capacity.

There are two service providers for internet and telephony on the premises (Telekom and T-2) both using fibre optics to access the premises (FTTB - fibre-to-the-building) - central server room on the 3rd floor.

Other devices and systems:

Electricity (700 kW - private electrical substation)
Water (fire suppression and tap water 2,5 Ifs, indoor hydrant network 10,0 1/s, outdoor hydrant network 10,0 1/s)
Distance heating (hot water supply network: connection capacity 500 kW) Sewage system (rain water drainage 45 1/s, waste water 6,4 1/s)

Fire safety:
Hydrants and hand held fire extinguishers (inspection valid till February 2018)

Energetski razred C(35kWh/m²a)
Šifra EMO 318